Saturday, March 23, 2013

Everyone Child has a Song

I grew up in a very musical family. My grandfather was in a band, my mother studied piano and played professionally, and my dad loved his accordion and organ. Quite regularly, we jammed and all got involved with banjos, percussion instruments, or just dancing and singing along. So it’s no surprise that that each of us kids had “our song”. I can still hear my dad singing my song...

Every little star above knows the one I love
Sweet Sue, just you
And the moon up high knows the reason why
Sweet Sue, it's you...

Of course, each of my children have their song. I have so many beautiful memories of rocking my babies and sweetly singing their songs. I haven’t sang those songs in quite awhile, though.

So I was surprised last night when my friend Tina mentioned her daughter’s song. She said, “You know - remember when you said every child needs a song?” Wow, I don’t recall saying that. But she brought me back to so many great memories of when my children were babies. And guess what? I'm going to go down memory lane and sing their songs to them this week! What fun!

Yes, Life is but a Theme!

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