Friday, March 15, 2013

Happy Birthday

I’m so excited to start this blog about life’s themes. And what better day to start than my birthday. That’s right, today’s my birthday! Coming up with a birthday theme is easy. Right?! Whether you are throwing a party for a child or someone who’s “Over the Hill”, it seems easy to identify a theme for the special person of the day.

But, you see, my entire life is filled with themes! My friends joke about how sometimes we can’t even get together without me thinking up some focus for the night. I’m creative by nature and my mind is always a swirl with crazy fun ideas to incorporate into any event. Some ideas I’ve used over the years have even become traditions within my own family.

I’ve heard it before, “You should start a party planning business.” Gosh, that sounds overwhelming. While I do love coordinating a party theme with the games, prizes, gifts, etc., for now I’d rather just shuffle my way through life incorporating fun little activities, gestures and themes into everyday events.

I’m so excited to have this blog where I can share with you ideas that you can easily incorporate into your life and special events or just when you want a little idea to help make someone feel special. I just LOVE themes, and I’m happy to share!

You know what else I love? My birthday! And tonight I’m looking forward to a tradition we have in my family. During dinner, every family member tells one thing they like about the birthday person (we go around the table two or three times). It’s always fun to see what my husband and children share! This tradition makes the birthday person feel special and loved. If you don’t want to wait for an upcoming birthday, why not try it with your family tonight! And it doesn’t have to be at the dinner table, it could be driving in the car, on a hike, etc. 

Yes, Life is but a Theme!

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