Sunday, March 17, 2013

St. Patrick's Day

Top O the Mornin to Ya! I hope you are all decked out in green! 

St. Patrick’s Day is another day that lends itself to sooooo many themes! Over the years, I've done so many fun things with my children. Some more time consuming than others for me, but all a lot of fun for the family. But a friend once told me about her tradition, and I thought it was so cute I just have to share.

The night before St. Patrick’s Day, when everyone is asleep, those tricky little leprechauns sneak around her house and even pee in the toilet! How do they know? Well, the toilet water is green! (can you say food coloring?!) The little ones think it’s so fun to wake up and check to see if the little green men played their trick again. What fun!

Here’s one to share at your event tonight:
What’s Irish and stays out all night?
Well “Patty O’Furniture” of course! (yuk yuk)

And I can’t close without an Irish Blessing:
May you live as long as you want and never want as long as you live.

Yes, Life is But a Theme!

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