Tuesday, May 28, 2013

National Luau Month - Beach Party!

May is National Luau Month! How did I know that? Well, Oriental Trading Company, of course! I love this site for theme-related party supplies! And their prices are very reasonable.

Over the years, I have purchased lots of fun things from them like the pineapple drink cups below. I remember we used them for the beach-themed birthday party my daughter had one year. Her birthday is in February, so that was really interesting! These plastic cups are too cute!

I also pick up what I can from garage sales. I couldn't pass up a box of little drink umbrellas - I think I have enough to last me for years! 

One time I was lucky enough to find almost a whole box of leis at a garage sale!  These have come in handy for many impromptu "Hurry, Mom, we need a costume tonight," moments. I send along the whole box for my kids and their friends. Leis are always a hit!

Whether you are celebrating a beach party or National Luau Month (because it's May), these types of supplies are good to have on hand. Even on a regular 'ol day, they can make the moment special and fun! 

Yes, Life is but a Theme!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Closet Clean Out

Like It or Launch It!

It’s that time of year. If you have children - you know what I’m referring to. It’s time to weed out the clothes that don’t fit anymore. Whether it’s clothes from the winter season or warm weather items, now’s the time to figure out what they need for summer.

If your kids are like mine, they really dislike this process. “Try it on,” I’ll say! Yet, they look at me with that blank stare. “Do I have to?” Why, yes!

In my family, we’ve come up with a fun tradition (of course!). We play the “Like It or Launch It” game. After they try it on, we say either yell “Like It” and it gets folded and put back in the drawer. Or we shout “Launch It” and it gets thrown into a pile for cousin hand-me-downs or to be donated. Somehow this little game makes it all do-able. Whatever it takes to get the job done is just fine with me.

Here's our Launch It pile from this weekend. Yikes! I've got some folding to do...

So, I encourage you to put out the teaser...”Hey guys, want to play Like it or Launch it?!” You might be surprised at the more favorable results!

Yes, Life is but a Theme!


Friday, May 10, 2013

Mothers Day - The Perfect Gift

Mother’s Day! What a treat for us mother’s. It’s fun to be spoiled and to be recognized for all we do. How will you celebrate?

By now I'm guessing you’ve figured out that I like things that are free to mostly cheap. Mother’s Day is no exception! In fact, I stressed to my family - Please don’t spend a lot of money on flowers, gifts or a card. Instead, I would really prefer a gift of time. Truly!

So, my husband asked for “my list”. You know, the list of things that you’d like to get done but you have a hard time finding the time. He said, “Ok, let’s pick two and get them done on Mother’s Day!” Boy was I thrilled!

I'm so excited for the whole family to help clean out our cars - vacuuming and washing windows and wiping down the insides. (Gosh, I will feel like a queen the next time I drive it.) Next we will spend a little time doing some yard work. Joy!

This Mother’s Day will be one of the best for me. Not only will I get to check off a few things on that never ending list, but I hope to find a little time to catch a nap followed by a wonderful dinner prepared by my husband. For your next celebration, I urge you to consider being frugal and give a thoughtful and appreciated gift - the gift of time.

Yes, Life is but a Theme!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Teacher Appreciation Week

Teacher Appreciation Week is April 6-10, 2013. It’s time to honor our local educators and thank them for all that they do to ensure that our students are getting a quality education.

Some people like to make a special treat for their teachers or give them a small token of their appreciation. Others will craft a class or individual project where the students can share what their teachers mean to them. These are all very kind and appreciated.

But I’d like to propose that you consider a “free” and thoughtful way to say Thank You to those who serve in this very important role. I would like to share with you the National Education Association website. (Note: Not only do they promise to ensure Great Public Schools for Every Student, this website also has a lot of useful information.)

Anyhoo, in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, they have a “Pledge Your Support for the Nation's Teachers”. All are encouraged to sign the pledge to show they appreciate our public school educators and all that they do. Here is the link:

I took the pledge, and I hope you do too! After you press Submit, they offer five additional ways that you can help make a difference in teachers’ lives. Again, all but one are FREE!

Yes, Life is but a Theme!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Six Second Hug

A few years ago, I experienced the six second hug. What's that, you ask?

Let me back up. If you’re like me you typically reach in for a hug, embrace for a second, maybe pat their back, and step away. Until my friend hugged me and held on...for six seconds. It causes you to take a breath and relax for a bit. It felt great!

Here is some interesting information I found on hugging:

  • Research shows that if we hold a hug for at least six seconds, we optimize the flow of mood-boosting chemicals.
  • Studies show that a family member is 47% more likely to feel close to a family member who often expresses affection than to one who rarely does. Sometimes it’s good to say, “I love you,” sometimes it’s good to express that thought without words.
  • Also, frequent huggers have lower blood pressure and higher levels of oxytocin (a chemical that promotes bonding).

My son, in particular, is a huge proponent of the six-second hug. I have to admit, I really like it too. Give it a try!

Yes, Life is but a Theme!