Monday, May 6, 2013

Teacher Appreciation Week

Teacher Appreciation Week is April 6-10, 2013. It’s time to honor our local educators and thank them for all that they do to ensure that our students are getting a quality education.

Some people like to make a special treat for their teachers or give them a small token of their appreciation. Others will craft a class or individual project where the students can share what their teachers mean to them. These are all very kind and appreciated.

But I’d like to propose that you consider a “free” and thoughtful way to say Thank You to those who serve in this very important role. I would like to share with you the National Education Association website. (Note: Not only do they promise to ensure Great Public Schools for Every Student, this website also has a lot of useful information.)

Anyhoo, in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, they have a “Pledge Your Support for the Nation's Teachers”. All are encouraged to sign the pledge to show they appreciate our public school educators and all that they do. Here is the link:

I took the pledge, and I hope you do too! After you press Submit, they offer five additional ways that you can help make a difference in teachers’ lives. Again, all but one are FREE!

Yes, Life is but a Theme!

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