Friday, May 3, 2013

Six Second Hug

A few years ago, I experienced the six second hug. What's that, you ask?

Let me back up. If you’re like me you typically reach in for a hug, embrace for a second, maybe pat their back, and step away. Until my friend hugged me and held on...for six seconds. It causes you to take a breath and relax for a bit. It felt great!

Here is some interesting information I found on hugging:

  • Research shows that if we hold a hug for at least six seconds, we optimize the flow of mood-boosting chemicals.
  • Studies show that a family member is 47% more likely to feel close to a family member who often expresses affection than to one who rarely does. Sometimes it’s good to say, “I love you,” sometimes it’s good to express that thought without words.
  • Also, frequent huggers have lower blood pressure and higher levels of oxytocin (a chemical that promotes bonding).

My son, in particular, is a huge proponent of the six-second hug. I have to admit, I really like it too. Give it a try!

Yes, Life is but a Theme!

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