Monday, May 13, 2013

Closet Clean Out

Like It or Launch It!

It’s that time of year. If you have children - you know what I’m referring to. It’s time to weed out the clothes that don’t fit anymore. Whether it’s clothes from the winter season or warm weather items, now’s the time to figure out what they need for summer.

If your kids are like mine, they really dislike this process. “Try it on,” I’ll say! Yet, they look at me with that blank stare. “Do I have to?” Why, yes!

In my family, we’ve come up with a fun tradition (of course!). We play the “Like It or Launch It” game. After they try it on, we say either yell “Like It” and it gets folded and put back in the drawer. Or we shout “Launch It” and it gets thrown into a pile for cousin hand-me-downs or to be donated. Somehow this little game makes it all do-able. Whatever it takes to get the job done is just fine with me.

Here's our Launch It pile from this weekend. Yikes! I've got some folding to do...

So, I encourage you to put out the teaser...”Hey guys, want to play Like it or Launch it?!” You might be surprised at the more favorable results!

Yes, Life is but a Theme!


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