Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Fun at Work - Theme Days

It's that time of year, I think. We're all tired of the cold spring temperatures in my northern state, and we are really ready for warmer weather. The back and forth of warm and cold weather teases us and frankly wears me out. I'll say it again. It's that time.

It's time to mix it up at work! It's time to put a little spice into the work day. With my theme-based brain, I can come up with all sorts of activities to break up the monotony during your day job! 

  • One time we brought in all sorts of crazy lights and turned off the overhead lights. (Can you say lava lamp or pink pony lamp? haha) Light week is a ton of fun.
  • Or how about "dress like the boss" day. If that's not your thing, just pick a color and have everyone wear blue shirts, for example. 
  • My favorite, Alma mater day! You choose either high school or college. This one is really a hoot - believe me, I've seen grown men squeezed into their football jersey letter jacket. Too funny!
  • It's baseball season - how about everyone support their favorite team. Or just make it "jersey" day and any sports team will do.
  • And if dress up days don't work. Think treats! Hold a trivia contest, and the loser brings treats. Or pick out of a hat, for that matter. tee hee

The point is - it's time to break it up a little. These activities start conversations, if nothing else. At least we can take a break from talking about the weather!

Yes, Life is but a Theme!

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