Monday, April 1, 2013

April Fools

Well, well, well. If you weren’t the fool today, what gives?! Everyone needs a little prankster in their life for some fun on a day like today! Over the years, I’ve pulled a few myself. But, my favorite April Fools jokes are the ones that my husband and I pulled on our children when they were little.

Let’s see, there was the time that we taped newspaper the full length of their bedroom door. When they got up in the morning and opened their door from the inside, well it was a hoot! (I did leave a small gap at the bottom so they wouldn’t be scared, and in the morning they just crawled out instead of tearing it down. Oh well.) An oldie but a goodie is when we’d look out the window in the morning and exclaim, “It snowed last night!” This one wasn’t so popular, of course! A more cruel one is the time that I made it sound like I had fallen and I laid at the bottom of the stairs acting like my leg hurt. I could usually string this one out for half a minute until they caught on. :)

But here’s my favorite. One year when our two oldest were about 5 and 7, after they were asleep we picked them up and switched beds. We thought it would be so darn funny when they’d wake up in the morning in the opposite bedroom and wonder how they got there! I can vividly remember when my husband and I woke up giggling, thinking how we couldn’t wait for them to wake up. However, when we went to wake them, they were in their right beds! What?? Apparently, my daughter woke up in the middle of the night and walked back to her bed. She couldn’t figure out why her brother was in her bed, so she told him to go back to his own bed! Did you follow all of that? Well, let’s just say the joke was on us!!

Whether you were the joker or the jokee today, I hope it was memorable. Do you have any good jokes to share? Leave a comment! And next year I’ll be sure to share my devious ideas a day or two ahead of time so you can prepare!

Yes, Life is but a Theme!

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