Saturday, April 13, 2013

Laundry Games

Laundry! Not my favorite chore, and I’m sure most would agree. Yet we all know it has to be done. Unfortunately, sometimes, to the tune of missing out on play time with our children. Or maybe not. How about using laundry as a learning tool, or making a game out if it.

Shapes, colors, patterns, oh my! For the little ones, they can help to sort laundry by pulling out squares (towels). Show them how to fold it into smaller and smaller squares. Or maybe they can help to sort dirty laundry by colors, perhaps lights, mediums and darks. And socks lend themselves to matching. Make a game out of it! 

Speaking of games, I like to make a game or race out of most anything. Sometimes my kids and I race to see who can put our laundry away faster. Or we choose what to fold together, “Let’s both pick a shirt out of the pile. Now pick a pair of pants. etc.” 

Try to get your children involved with the chores and make the chores fun. It’s a win win, as they say. You are spending time with your kids and getting something done at the same time! Yeah!  

Yes, Life is but a Theme!

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