Saturday, April 27, 2013

Birthday Tradition - What I Like About You

Happy Birthday to my son! He's in college now and just turned 19. I can't believe I"m that old! 

We had fun taking him out to dinner and making his day special. After dinner, we headed back to his dorm room for gifts and cake. It just so happened that all of his buddies were standing in the hallway near his room. Naturally, we stopped and chatted with the boys. Lots of fun for us to talk with his new friends! 

Then it dawned on me. We FORGOT! We forgot all about our tradition. I even blurted out "We forgot!" and my whole family knew what I was talking about. Then right there I explained to his friends that they'd have to help us out. We'd go around and all tell a thing or two that we like about the birthday boy. It was really neat to see what the friends all liked about my son. I giggled when one boy said, "I like that he gives 6 second hugs." Then they all shook their heads in the "Oh Yea!" agreement. (I'll save that explanation for my next post.) 

Mission accomplished. Tradition upheld. And I'm so glad we forgot to do this at dinner so we could share in his new friendships. 

Yes, Life is but a Theme!

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