Sunday, April 7, 2013

Friendship and Making Someone Feel Special

It has been such a busy time for our family lately that I feel like I haven’t given the proper attention to my girlfriends and our friendships. Do you ever feel like that? I know they would be there for me in a minute, but that doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t tell them once in awhile how much I appreciate them. So here are some easy, low cost ideas to remind someone that you care about them. That someone could be a spouse, friend, family member, or whoever you think could use a little, “Thanks for being a special person in my life” message.
  • Have a fresh donut waiting for them with a note, “Donut” you know how much I appreciate you?!
  • Drop off a bag of Swedish Fish candy and a card that says, “O-fish-ally” you’re the best!
  • Make some yummy chocolate covered strawberries to say, "Thank you berry much for being you!"
  • Tape Reeses Pieces candy to a thick piece of paper, and write “I love you to “pieces” with the candy taped in place of the words.
If you’re looking to treat someone in this way, just take a look around the store. Look at candy, cosmetics, perfume, food products, clothing tags, you name it! You’ll find something that has just the right phrase that you could use for a play on words or to tape on a card as part of your message.

And I would like to thank you for taking a moment out of your busy day to stop by my blog! Since I can only offer you words, I will do all I can and say merci, gracias, arigato, danke, mange takk, and thank you!

Yes, Life is but a Theme!

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