Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Pet Names and our Cockatiels

I have a funny story to share. And, of course, it involves a theme!

About 6 years ago, we adopted two cockatiel birds - a female named Coconut and a male named Peanut. My family is a little “nutty”, so they fit right in! Note: my son didn’t think that Peanut was a very “manly” name, so he nicknamed the sweet little bird“PJ”.

One day we realized that PJ and Coco were mating, so we got on the internet determine the possibility of Coco laying some eggs. LONG story short, we put a nest box on their cage and we hatched three more birds! Very fun, indeed. But what to name them? Well, we had to stick with the theme, don’t you know! My kids came up with various “nut” names, but we decided on: Chestnut, Hazelnut and Walnut. We kept Chester and gave Hazel and Wally to our good friends.

We enjoyed those birds and their funny little personalities for many years! I’m sad to share that Coco passes away a couple of years ago. She was mostly white and really pretty. But I’m sharing pictures here of PJ and Chester.


As my kids have grown, we haven’t spent as much time with these pets. But I’m also happy to share that we are thrilled to “pay it forward” as we gave the birds to another young family who will give them all of the love and attention they need.

The moral of the story - think about the names you give to your pets. Why not name them with a theme in mind? We went through the whole goldfish stage...named them all after authors of children’s books. My favorite was Theodore Geisel. Quite a name for a gold fish!

Yes, Life is but a Theme!

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