Thursday, April 25, 2013

Meal Time and Craft Treasures

My last post shared a fun, versatile craft. I want to piggy-back off of that and think back to a time when collages were made more frequently in my house.

Children can be very demanding, of course. But it seemed like they always kicked it up a notch right about the time I wanted to make dinner. What’s with that?! I often tried to find something to keep them busy around this time of the evening. Think collages! My kids had so much fun cutting out random pictures from magazines or newspapers and gluing or taping them onto paper. Sometimes they had a distinct theme, sometimes they were simply things they liked at the time.

When we had more time, they also liked to make “sculptures” from the craft bin. The craft bin is a plastic tote that I kept filled with random things. 

These items came from garage sales, old packaging, or craft stores, etc.. Think bells, shells, ribbons, pompons, pipe cleaners, old egg cartons, small boxes, you name it! I’ve seen marble races, doll and fairy houses, robots, and many other unique treasures made from the craft bin. Just be sure to keep tacky glue on hand for this one. You’d be surprised how they never grow too old for the craft bin or collages. (if I do say so myself...)

Yes, Life is but a Theme!

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